My interview on the “Raw Factor” segment of this morning’s Spiritually Raw radio broadcast felt like it went well. Hosts Ajay and April proved to be excellent conversationalists as they talked with me about my central focus as an author (and human being) on the convergence of religious experience with horror fiction and film, and the tendency of horror to open out into religious experience, and my initiatory-type experiences of sleep paralysis and nocturnal assault that have underscored this connection.
You can listen to the interview on the podcast of today’s show. My segment starts at about 13:00 in the running time:
Spiritually Raw Radio: July 5, 2011
Also be advised that if I receive enough listener votes based on my brief (15-minute) appearance on the show today, then I’ll be brought back as a featured guest for a longer interview. You can vote for me by following THIS LINK and entering a comment in my favor — at which point psychic vibrations of gratitude will begin beaming your way and generating all sorts of positive synchronicities. (Did I oversell that? Sorry. But the gratitude part is real.)
Huh, interesting stuff! Did they invite you back?
Yes, they did. I’ll be back on the show as a featured guest on July 28 (a week from today). At my section of the Spiritually Raw website I’m soliciting questions and suggestions for what I should talk about.
I just visited the site. I’ll try to remember about July 28 (a week is a long time for my memory). So, when are you going to be a guest on Coast to Coast AM?
I was actually a caller on Coast to Coast AM back in 2003. The story is warehoused here at The Teeming Brain. Nothing’s in the works for an appearance as a guest, though.
But it has come about, with the reception of an email last night, that I’ll be briefly interviewed (5 minutes or so) this August 5 on The Mancow Muller Show, which has 11 to 12 million listeners every day during America’s morning drive time. I’ll be talking about sleep paralysis in a segment devoted to “mystery illnesses.”